Wednesday 16 June 2010

iar: magazine F

F = Focus [Issue 217 July 2010 £3.60 pp 116]

  • Interesting thing: augmented reality
  • Buy again: possibly. Probably the most interesting magazine so far - I might buy it and read it on a train, a plane, in a hotel room.
  • Time taken to read: hard to say. Involved bathing, trains, pre-sleeping and even sofa dipping.
    • Heard of it before? No
    Although it's the first magazine that I thought I might buy again - I STRUGGLED to find anything interesting to say about it. Or to find an interesting picture. So I did a collage of the pictures I liked - mainly  interplanetary stuff (sunsets, exploding stars, non-exploding stars, dark matter and an augmented reality dinosaur - unfortunately he became camera shy and walked away :)

    Alternatives: Flex, Fighting something or other, or Fantasy Art. The former were too dull (I couldn't face another men's hobby magazine just yet), and the latter might be interesting but was £13 - way too much for a magazine! 200 miles later I made a desperate stop - at first I wondered if (technically) it was called 'BBC Focus' but it doesn't appear that way... the only F, but an F all the same.

    Bought with the correct cash from a friendly man in a city newsagent, with some tic tacs (£4.20 in total).

    [In case you were wondering: I'm still reading iar: magazine E. It's a weighty tome so might be a while...].