The queues in Lidl were legion. One would stand for hours, watching as the people in front slowly dribbled through buying inexpensive strangely named foodstuffs and groceries.
Initially this was infuriating - why don't they have more people on the tills, can't they go any quicker, why does it take so long to scan three items, why is that person doing their entire weeks shop and taking as long to pack it away... but after a time I realised that it was futile and detrimental to get frustrated by this. Why did it matter how long it took? One just had to accept that it would take as long as it did. So now going into Lidl - I chill, I stand, I contemplate the world and experience life in the moment; as minutes of peace free from the usual distractions and pressures. For that moment - the Lidl moment - I am at peace. This has extended into other areas of my life too. So if I am frustrated by something I just think 'Lidl' and life moves into perspective, my frustration subsides, and I feel at peace with myself and the world.